Carpe Diem

Monday, October 6, 2008

I know you guys have heard that phrase many times before and it can get a bit pretentious at times but seriously it does work.

When in first year you are literally thrown into the deep end. University is not like high school. The lecturers are not going to be you Facebook friends, your tutors are not going to be the comforting shoulder on which you cry on and the Warden of your Residence is not going to tuck you in at night and sing you a lullaby to sleep.

University as you've heard entails a lot of pressures and so the only way to deal is to go along with it. There's no use in wasting time and saying that you can't do it. Cause that's 1) ridiculous because you did after all make it into University in the first place and 2) Its just a waste of time to cry over spilt Milo.

Therefore take that infamous Latin expression to heart when you're faced with a Sociology test, an English Essay, a Politics Essay , a Journalism comic strip to act out and a Sociology Essay to complete in approximately 3 days.

As the expression goes "Eat, Drink and be merry ,for tomorrow we die".

Fingernails and coconuts


P.S. Oh ya to those of you who don't know what Carpe Diem is, I suggest that you write Dummy on your forehead and run around like a zombie.

But seriously Carpe Diem means 'Seize the day'

So what are doing reading this post go grab that day by the ears.