Friday, October 17, 2008

"OH MY GOSH I have had like no sleep today"

"I feel like horse poo"

"Man I’m over it, you heard me, IM OVER IT!"

So there I am sitting in another fun filled journalism lecture right at the back, so I can be all emo. The lecturers are once again fiddling around with the technology in the front and I find myself ease dropping on other peoples’ conversations (yes, I am a loner, I sit alone). I hear the most random things like "I AM JESUS AND YOU’RE JUDAS SO BOW DOWN TO ME", "ARGGG I WANT RITALIN", "WHY, WHY, WHY AM I HERE, I NEED MY BED" and most of the time these conversations revolve around the work load that comes with University. So I thought I should advice you perspective first years on how to deal with the stress.

First of all don’t contemplate and worry about the work for a week. Because first of all you’ve just wasted a week on worrying and second of all your assignment deadlines have past. So instead of fretting I suggest that you just go ahead and do it. I know its easier said then done but just start writing and the words will just start flowing like fresh custard. Though if you’re one of those side-tracked wonderers like most I say take that Ritalin and then start writing.

Having a 1500 word essay, two English paragraphs, a four page sociology tut, a four page politics tut and a journalism application form to fill out is no joke. So the option of not sleeping and doing the work the night before is not good one. In fact it should not be an option at all. Though if you’re one of those who can pull it off and still be superman the next day then good for you I’m thoroughly jealous. But to those normal people sleep is a necessity and I think you should stick to those sleeping patterns other wise it’s just not pretty.

Along with the sleep and the Ritalin, Energy drinks and coffee are a must when trying to complete your assignment before deadline. I would recommend Red Bull or Monster. Though please I caution you to drink in moderation. Once I drank nearly two litres of the stuff and only slept at six the next morning, I was also considerably down and depressed.

Last but least make sure you have a couple of friends around for moral support so you can bitch and whine and they can make you hot chocolate when you’re struggling to find the right words for that conclusion. Though if you’re not blessed with such beings (like me) I suggest the counselling centre. They listen to you and don’t judge. Sigh I love the counselling centre.

Also don’t forget to party it up. All work and no play just makes University seem like work. Why would you want University to be like work when University is the thing that is keeping you away from work? When I say work I mean a job of course.